
The Student Programming Committee supports the various student clubs and organizations at La Costa Canyon High School. It is responsible for the recognition of student clubs and organizations, the appropriation of student activities funds to organizations, and other general support of clubs.

applying for student club approval

A student club is an officially recognized student organization. Clubs are not directly affiliated with the school, the district, or any of its departments.

Recognition as a club provides certain benefits, including the ability to hold on-campus meetings, the ability to request on-campus events, the right to advertise at the ASB Fall and Spring Activities Fairs, and the potential eligibility to hold and request funds from the ASB.

Any group of students can assemble and form a student group, but only approved status can grant formal recognition and/or benefits.


The fall club application is NOW OPEN!

Applications will be reviewed in priority of the order in which they are submitted. Applications that are incomplete or whose submitters do not respond to emails in a timely manner will lose priority in their review. Note: even if you were an established club last year, you will need to resubmit each year for renewal active status.

If you submit it by October 1st, the Student Programming Committee will process your application this semester. If you are unable to submit by October 1st, you will still be able to apply next semester!

  • To Register a New Organization:

    1. Read the sections below thoroughly.

    2. Open a browser tab with your school-registered Google account.

    3. Fill out this form: LCC Student Club Application

    4. Complete the form.

    5. Once fully completed, sign the form electronically and click submit.

    Please read the information below before submitting your application to ensure you're familiar with the process and the criteria your club must meet.

  • The students clubs and organizations approved by ASB must meet the criteria prior to being granted club privileges.

    All clubs must register as school-sponsored or non-school-sponsored based on the needs, interests, and membership requirements of the club. These definitions and the applicable rules and regulations that apply to them are determined by California Education Code and the relevant district and state statutes. A summary of those regulations is provided below:


    1. Academic or athletic (California Interscholastic Federation (“CIF”) sport)

    2. Required to have regular meetings on-campus at least once per month.

      1. A faculty advisor must be present at all meetings, events, activities, etc.

    3. Eligible to hold an A.S.B. financial account.

      1. The faculty advisor is required to sign all deposit slips, check requests and purchase orders.

      2. All check requests and purchase orders must be accompanied by proper club meeting minutes.

      3. Club funds may not be used, spent or donated to charities or non-profit organizations

    4. Permitted to hold events both on-campus or off-campus

    5. Able to advertise club information

      1. The faculty advisor must approve and initial/sign all posters, signs and morning announcements.

      2. All posters and signs must adhere to the poster hanging guidelines

    6. Permitted to fundraise on campus.

      1. The fundraiser must be approved by the A.S.B. prior to the date

      2. An approved cash box must be checked out by the Finance Assistant and returned to the A.S.B. finance office

      3. Events during school hours must return to the cash box before the end of the school day

      4. Events outside school hours must return the cash box at the start of the next school day

    7. Not allowed to advocate a specific religious, political, or philosophical ideal

    8. Able to use the school name to identify the club

    9. Not permitted to charge dues or membership fees

    10. Required to adhere to the state nutritional guidelines

      1. All food items served during school hours must be ordered through campus food services


    1. Not sanctioned by La Costa Canyon High School (“LCC” or “LCCHS”), the San Dieguito Union High School District (“SDUHSD”), or the Associated Student Body (“A.S.B.”)

    2. Community service, politics, common interest, and athletic (sports not included in the California Interscholastic Federation (“CIF”))

    3. Permitted to hold meetings on-campus, but are not required

      1. A faculty advisor must be present at all on-campus meetings

      2. It is not required for the faculty advisor to attend events and activities held off-campus

    4. Not eligible to hold an ASB financial account

    5. Permitted to advertise at school

      1. Flyers must be clearly marked as “non-school sponsored”

      2. The faculty advisor must approve and initial/sign all posters, signs and morning announcements

    6. Allowed to advocate a specific religious, political, or philosophical ideal

    7. Not allowed to use the school name to identify the club

    8. Not permitted to charge dues or membership fees

    9. Required to adhere to the state nutritional guidelines

      1. All food items served during school hours must be ordered through school food services.

  • The president of the club will submit a completed application during the application window. The application should be thorough and clear. It is better that groups err on the side of thoroughness rather than brevity.

    1. The Student Programming Committee will conduct a review of your application. of the application to determine whether the club meets the criteria and warrants approval. Applications that fail to meet the criteria will be deferred for re-submission with more information at a later date.

    2. If the application warrants further review, ASB will contact the applicant club directly.

    3. ASB will review the application to ensure that the club meets all of the district’s requirements. Examples include applicant organizations that may violate an ASB policy related to use of the school’s name/symbols or fail to include the non-discrimination language in the constitution. Be sure to review all requirements on this page before submitting an application. ASB will return the application to the applicant club to fix these violations in a timely manner before proceeding with the approval process.

    4. The student clubs director will make the decision to recommend either approval or denial of approved status by the ASB on the basis of the criteria. If the director decides to recommend denial, the club will have the opportunity to retract the application and reapply at a later date when they satisfy the criteria; it may also choose to go to vote before the ASB.

    5. The director will submit an agenda item to the ASB containing the names and purposes of clubs in the final steps of the club application process. Typically, the director waits until multiple clubs are ready for approval and then sends an agenda item to the floor with multiple pending clubs to be voted on during the ASB voting session. The chair will let clubs know the date and time of the vote. All clubs must be confirmed by the ASB. If a club is denied by the ASB, it may appeal or wait the requisite two weeks before applying again for approved status.

    6. Following approval, the club will be posted on the list of student clubs and organizations.

    7. New or prospective club presidents are required to attend a Student Club Orientation each semester.

  • Applying for approval status is not the first step after you have an idea for an club you want to form.


    All students have the right to assemble and form a club. Groups that do not meet the following criteria will be asked to apply at a later time.

    Members: The club must have at least eight committed members that regularly attend programming hosted by the club. These members must be students who are actively engaged within the club; students who only attend an interest meeting will not be considered actively engaged members.

    Clubs should keep records of the eligible meetings/programs, including photos, videos, presentation slideshows, and/or agendas. In addition to requesting evidence of events, an ASB Board member may shadow a meeting after approval. (If there is a privacy concern in your organization please reach out to and we will work with your organization to protect the privacy of your members and meeting activity.)

    Clubs should also be prepared to discuss their potential fundraising plans and intended expenditures.

    Leadership: Before applying, the organization must have an established leadership team as outlined in the constitution submitted with the club application. At a minimum, this must include a president and treasurer, or parallel positions. The executive team of your club must be entirely composed of students at La Costa Canyon High School.

    Constitution: The organization must submit a complete and up-to-date constitution that reflects current practices. It should contain descriptive instructions of the organization’s procedures as pertaining to its mission, membership requirements, officer positions, elections, meetings, finances, advisor(s) (if applicable), and the amendment process. The constitution must be consistent with the information presented in the application and during interviews.

    Non-Duplication: A proposed organization may not duplicate the mission of another organization at the school. When evaluating this requirement, ASB will look to the constitutions of the clubs, their activities, and information registered with ASB.


    All officers of the club must be students enrolled at the school.

    The organization name, if it intends to include “La Costa Canyon High School” or “La Costa Canyon,” or “LCC,” must be phrased as “at LCC” if it is non-school sponsored. For example, it must be “The Harry Potter Club at LCC" and not “The La Costa Canyon Harry Potter Club.”

    The organization must keep a signed club agreement on file with Student Programming. This is signed digitally upon submission of your application.

    The club must keep an up-to-date Constitution on file with ASB (submitted with application), and must include the following non-discrimination clause EXACTLY:

    “[ORGANIZATION NAME] does not restrict its membership, programs, or activities on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family or genetic information.”


    All approved student clubs are listed on the ASB website. If you do not see a club you are interested in and/or does not exist yet, then start a club yourself by filling out the application. We host a Club Rush every semester - a great way to join new clubs or highlight your new ones! New student organizations must apply to be approved by ASB.


    All student clubs, both new and returning, are required to register with the ASB once per academic year. If a club does not register, benefits such as accessing financial accounts are “frozen”.


    Once registered with ASB, student clubs have the ability to apply for an additional level of recognition: School Sponsorship. This opportunity is available to all clubs fulfilling the criteria. Benefits include:

    1. Eligibility to have an ASB financial account that holds funds. The advisor must sign all deposit slips, check requests, and purchase orders. All check requests and purchase orders must be accompanied by proper club meeting minutes. Club funds may NOT be used/spent/donated to charities or non-profit organizations.

    2. Eligibility to hold events both on and off-campus, however, a staff advisor must be present at ALL meetings, events, and activities. All events must be pre-approved by ASB with all the necessary paperwork on file.

    3. Eligibility to advertise club information (e.g. meetings, events, & activities).

    4. Eligibility to fundraise on-campus, however, an approved cash box must be checked-out and returned to the ASB Finance Office.

    Some criteria for school-sponsored clubs include: interest clubs in nature (academic, common interest, CIF sports only), cannot advocate for a specific religious, political, or philosophical ideal, and may use the school name to identify the club.


    For more information, visit the Sponsorship Status section.


    A complete list of all clubs can be found on this website. An official list of clubs will be put on the ASB website and updated when new clubs are approved listing all of the available clubs for you to join!


    In order to change this information, please contact


    In order to change this information, please contact


    There are numerous ways you can contact your club members. As an officer, it is crucial to have some form of communication. If your club is not contacting your members, ASB may "freeze" your club until you resolve those issues.

    Some applications that we recommend are: Remind (this is a more formal way of contacting and can have up to 150 members on a free plan), Snapchat (this is one of the more popular forms of communication, but it may not be accessible to all), and GroupMe (this is the most effective way of communicating because it can be accessed on a computer or phone and can be downloaded on any mobile application store).

questions? contact us here.

ASB President Mia DiGiulio: