
LCC Names New Executive Board, Class Officers

The Elections Council conducted its annual student body elections cycle on Friday, April 22nd, after a school week of campaigning by elected officer candidates.

Almost all of the positions — ranging from ASB President to Sophomore Class Vice President — were contested elections. ASB President, ASB Vice President, School Board Representative, and Sophomore Class President were uncontested.

The student body, on Friday, voted for their next Executive Board members and class officers. The Executive Board posts were nominated by each student, while class officers were chosen by their grade.

With a voter turnout of 621 voters — an approximate fifty-one percent voter turnout — Mavericks chose the following student leaders to represent them next school year by 3:00 PM.

The Elections Council has posted the results of the election here.

Andrew Baum and Shane Baum, both class of 2023, will be the student body presidents of La Costa Canyon High School. Sasha Bell, who will serve as a student representative on the SDUHSD Board of Trustees, was also installed to serve on the Executive Board.

The preceding Executive Board and class officers will leave office on July 1st, leaving the succeeding officers to being their term.