Members Approve Competency Training Proposal - 9/22/21

At the September 22, 2021 regular Business Meeting of the Associated Student Body of La Costa Canyon High School, the Student Council unanimously motioned and voted (44-0) to approve a proposal for diversity, equity, and inclusion competency training and workshops.

The proposal was written by Dr. Darwin Fishman, Ph.D., founder of Alafia Love & Diversity, LLC, a non-profit organization that specializes in equity trainings.

Alafia Love & Diversity (ALD) is “devoted to the nourishment and support of historically neglected communities through education, training, critical and informed assessment, personal and public actions. Our work is based on sharing knowledge and resources with diverse populations. This work can enrich and uplift all communities through shared accountability and collective responsibility.”

The Executive Board and Advisor plan to set dates for these trainings as soon as possible.

For additional information about the proposal, please contact us here.